420 Ray Norrish Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45246
(513) 671-1666
179 N. South St.
Wilmington, OH 45177
(937) 382-KIDS

Care We Provide

Who do we care for?
Dr. Tawadros’ practice provides excellent dental health care to any infant, child, adolescent and special needs person.  We continually seek new families to join our practice as we have a wide range of care to offer.  We have a comprehensive, one stop practice with an excellent reputation. Dr. Tawadros’ excellence is undisputed clinically, and he practices incomparable patient management.  Dr. Tawadros and our staff accomplish treatment with patient cooperation for patients who have been labeled as uncooperative and untreatable.  Explore the following ways we can provide dental health care for your family.

Special Needs Care
All of the following treatments have been provided for patients with special needs by Dr. Tawadros and our staff.  We are grateful and enriched to have patients who have physical and mental compromises in the practice.  We appreciate the trust parents place in our staff and our services, and would never abrogate that trust.  Our entire office, including treatment areas, is handicapped accessible.

Preventative/Diagnostic Treatment
Preventative and diagnostic treatments include, but are not limited to: Exams, prophylaxis (removal of plaque and tartar), polishing, radiographs (x-rays), fluoride treatments, sealants, space maintainers, oral hygiene and diet counseling, an orthodontic evaluation at every preventative visit, and treatment planning.

Restorative Treatment
Restorative treatment includes, but is not limited to: All composite (tooth-colored) fillings, stainless steel crowns, pulpotomies (nerve treatment of primary teeth), extractions, and root canal therapy (See Endodontic Treatment below).

Dr. Tawadros routinely uses Nitrous Oxide (commonly called “laughing gas”) during restorative appointments. If you are familiar with Nitrous Oxide, then you know it does not put your child to sleep, it simply helps reduce their fears. A local anesthetic will most likely still be used, but your child will be able to tolerate this process much better because of the Nitrous Oxide.  There are virtually no side effects and it takes only minutes for the effect to begin and only minutes to be reversed.  For more information on the uses of Nitrous Oxide in a dental setting, see the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry's website.

Endodontic Treatment
Endodontic treatment is a broad term used to describe treatment of the inside, or nerve portion of the tooth.  A common procedure under this heading is root canal treatment.  Many patients are referred to our office from Endodontic specialist’s offices because of their age.  Dr. Tawadros has the latest equipment to ensure a high success rate and that the appointment will be as quick and simple as possible for the patient.  He is almost always able to complete the root canal treatment and restoration of the tooth in one visit.

Orthodontic Treatment
If you are new to our practice, you may not know that orthodontic treatment comprises one half of the comprehensive care that Dr. Tawadros provides our patients.  Each patient’s growth and development is evaluated routinely at each hygiene visit.
This may or may not include: retainers to align or expand the jaws, braces on one or both arches, and post-orthdodontic retainers.  Retainers move bone, meaning they will aid in jaw re-alignment, and braces move teeth.  Those who are familiar with our practice know Dr. Tawadros is very thorough and will spend the time needed to ensure you understand and are comfortable with your child’s treatment plan.

Hospital/General Anesthesia
Many of our patients are referred to our office because of the amount and complexity of their dental and behavioral needs.  Dr. Tawadros’ philosophy in treating children that are unable to tolerate treatment in the office setting includes general anesthesia.  Because Dr. Tawadros does not restrain children for treatment, he provides treatment in a safe, operating room setting at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Outpatient facility.  The most important outcome from taking your child this route in treatment is that he or she will receive all treatment in one visit, pain-free, and memory-free.